Saturday, January 6, 2007

Meeting All night...

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

My bad... i miss 1 day to write something2 here......
i hope u all would understand me.. coz now i'll explain to u my rationalization reason...
Yesterday hmm.. let say i was having " a lazy moment" .. i spent almost the entire day in my cozy bed... reading books.. comic books .. hehehee... ^_^ coz i just got back home from the hospital at 3 am .. (who was the sick one by the way?) she is one of my friend.. we're just getting to know one another at that night.. i took her to the hospital at 11 pm, after i recieved a phone from some friend.. he told me that someone was sick n need to go to the hospital right away... you might wondering why am i doing that, for someone that i don't even know the name.. .. hhmm.. its called sisterhood... or in arabic called ukhuwah... anyway i'd be very happy if i could do something good to other people//

And last night i had this meeting.. it's for my new project.... i'm joining in child commission for Rumah Bunda Assosiation... Jatinangor..

念願 (nengan- red)... i hope i can be more useful to the society...

this is our 1st meeting, fauliza as the chief of this commision, she was explaining to us about Rumah Bunda Assosiation aims, goals, background and the founders.. in that meeting we're also trying to create the program for child commission for the next 1 year.. it's include finding the form, the purpose.. the target.. and budget..
my other partner in this commission is Febi, Beti, Dali and T Yuyun (??)

to all who read this.. please...
祈り ベスト (inori besuto- red) wish us for the best!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

戸惑い >... (Tomadoi-- red)

Help me please...My God...Allah SWT... the al mighty

i felt terribly confused today... i have a lots of things to do.. but don't know where to start..
i have this take home test... writing a popular- scintific article// hhh...
to write an article it's not easy for me..... creating an idea.. find the topic.....
it's almost impossible..

i know this isn't right... but i really felt like a loser, when it comes to this kind of work...

i need Your guidance... Allah .. the most gracious, the most merciful...


New Year... New Habbit.. New Resolution

one of my fav persons in life... hhuhuhu ^-^

A few days ago (dec 23rd 2006) my friend was gettin married... (the one with a blue scarf)..
that pic was taken the night before she got married

For u; Han n Ka Zuher:
"To the lamp of love - may it burn brightest in the darkest hours and never flicker in the winds of trial."

for my self;
to be better everyday.. that what i've always wanted in life... make a constant progress..
startin' from now..
come on girl... i know u can... gambate lanichan.........
write// just write

thats all for today..