A couple months ago, i dreamt about going to han's apartment in Houston, TX with her sister nisa. Han was sick when we got there. n i met my middle school friend Sansha there (at han's apartment) it's kind a weird though..
anyhow, while we were excitingly planning to explore the city and one of the college there, han was packing her clothes, and getting ready to go back to Indonesia. then i woke up..
Yesterday, i had a similar dream, but this time her apartment was different, n look more like a house in a country side than an apartment in the city.. the view from the terrace is so beautiful, all the trees and the roof was covered in snow... it's winter time, as far as i know there is no snow in TX.. well it's another weird things from my dream.. as i admiring the view, it's getting even better when the snow start falling again.. i appreciate my recent life but i wish i'll sometime experience that moment in my real life..